Cars are extremely important equipment. Most people use their car every day and at the least, a few times a week. This means that cars often experience a lot of wear and tear. Whether or not your car is new or older, it will need a tune-up every once in a while. However, it can sometimes be difficult to know whether your car needs repairs or not. Continue reading to learn when to bring your car in to get repairs.

How To Know When Your Car Needs Repairs
There are many different ways to recognize when your car needs repairs. There will likely be a strange sound, smell, or feeling when you are in your car that will indicate that something is going wrong with your car. Following are several of the signs that you can look out for.
Strange Smells
One of the first things to look out for that could indicate the need for a repair is a strange smell. A strong smell of gas will certainly be a problem. The smell of gas is certainly a smell that you should look out for. If the smell lasts for more than a few hours, then it could indicate a leaky fuel tank or a problem with your gas tank cap. The smell of exhaust inside the car is
similar, meaning that there could be a leak in your exhaust system. Be careful with this one, as it can be extremely dangerous.
Another common smell that is problematic within your car is a burning smell. Whether it is a burnt rubber smell or simply just a burning smell, it can mean trouble. A burning smell could point out that a rubber hose or belt has come loose, you have worn out brake pads, an electrical fuse has burst, or the air conditioner is breaking down. Lastly, keep your nose on the lookout for a musty smell. A musty smell could indicate that there is mold forming in the AC filters due to too much moisture.
Strange Sounds
Another problem that could lead to you needing to get your car repaired would be strange sounds. There are many normal sounds that cars make, but these sounds will be out of the ordinary. Examples of such sounds include screeching,
rumbling, grinding, growling, and humming.
If your car is making a screeching or grinding noise when you hit the brakes, it could be an indication that your brake pads are wearing out. This is a bad thing because worn-out brake pads do not work and could cause your brakes to stop working. A growling or humming sound could indicate that your car needs new tires. Rumbling could have to do with a problem in the exhaust system.
A Strange Feeling
If you have driven your car for a while, you likely know what it generally feels like when you get in and start the engine, or when you are driving down
the road. If you notice that the car is vibrating or shaking more than normal or you can feel the steering wheel tremble, then you may want to consider getting your car repaired.
Do You Need A Tune-Up For Your Car?
If your car has been acting funny recently, you may be in need of a tune-up. Even with the tips listed above, it can be difficult to always know when your car needs repairs. Bring your car to Shadetree Auto, and we can help you find out what is going wrong with your car.
Our mechanics are quick, efficient, and thorough. We will do everything that we can to make sure that your car works properly. You will only have to see us once and a while for regular check-ups, where we will find and prevent any issues with your car. If you are in need of a repair or want more information about our services, feel free to reach out to us today.