The Toyota 4-Runner is one of the best SUVs on the market today. With that being said, there are still a few issues that pop up from time to time that should be addressed.
Our expert team of advisors often get phone calls with one question in particular from Toyota 4-Runner owners.
“Why is my 4-Runner shaking?”
The most common diagnosis of a shake on a 4-Runner is a tire vibration.
Due to the off-road capabilities of the Toyota 4-Runner, it is common for mud or snow to get caught inside the wheel and cause the tires to be out of balance.
This type of vibration will be felt in the steering wheel or your seat as you get up to speed. If it goes away when you come to a stop, then you know it is caused by a part that rotates when driving.
Toyota 4-Runner with dried mud stuck in the wheel and tire tread.
Tire Cupping – Using the wrench as a straight edge. Notice how the tread depth is slightly uneven.
Any vehicle with an unusual vibration or shake is cause for concern and should definitely be looked at by a certified Toyota technician.
Now don’t panic too quickly; many vibrations are a minor repair and an easy fix. That being said, it is still very important to get it to your Toyota mechanic to avoid any problems.
Another common vibration we see with the Toyota 4-Runner is an engine vibration caused by worn engine mounts.
Toyota 4-Runner engine mounts are made from heavy natural rubber. As your engine operates, it creates normal vibrations due to all the rotating and moving parts. Toyota uses rubber engine mounts to attach the engine to the frame so that the driver does not feel the engine vibrations.
2005 Toyota 4-Runner Passenger Motor Mounts
Toyota OEM Motor Mounts
The rubber portion of engine mounts are exposed to high heat and a lot of force when operating your vehicle.
Over time the rubber deteriorates, causing excessive movement of the engine, leading to the driver feeling vibrations, shakes, or even clunks if it gets bad enough.
This is not something you want to ignore. Allowing the engine to move around more than designed will lead to many other problems if left for too long.
If worn mounts are left alone for too long, it can cause leaks in other systems due to pushing or pulling on fittings. We have even seen extreme cases where it causes engine or transmission damage.
Although I just gave you two examples of why your Toyota 4-Runner could be shaking, there is a list of many other reasons you could be experiencing this.
Brake Pulsations
Engine Misfires due to worn tuneup parts
Transmission Shudders due to poor fluid quality or improper level
Suspension play due to worn components
And the list goes on…
I recommend getting your 4-Runner into your trusted repair shop as soon as possible and having a specialized Toyota mechanic do a full inspection.
“What does it cost to do a full inspection on my Toyota 4-Runner”
Here at Shadetree Automotive, we start with a $135 full inspection.
This is where we will address any noted concerns, along with looking over the entire health of the vehicle.
This inspection includes:
– Our service adviser having a quality conversation with you and noting any concerns you may have for our Toyota mechanic.
– Our Toyota mechanic performing an extended test drive to duplicate your concerns while also testing all systems on your vehicle.
– A full underhood check- Battery test, air filter check, check levels and quality of all fluids, look for obvious leaks, check belts and hoses, then take pictures and make notes of all findings.
– A full under-vehicle check- Check tire measurements, check brake measurements, check all steering and suspension components, check all drivetrain components, check exhaust components, check for obvious leaks, check levels and quality of all fluids, then take pictures and make notes of all findings.
– A fully scheduled maintenance check– Check service history and note all services due or coming due based on age and miles. This is typically spark plugs, cabin air filter, fluid services, timing belt (when applicable), fuel filter (when applicable), etc.
Shadetree Automotive is the highest rated Toyota Repair Shop in Utah. Read reviews here!
There could be many reasons why your Honda Accord is slow to accelerate. According to RepairPal, the Honda Accord rated 4.5 out of 5.0 for reliability and is the most reliable midsize vehicle available to buyers. In addition to being very reliable, Honda Accords also get excellent gas mileage. Despite having these great qualities, Accords are also notorious for being slow to accelerate. While not every Honda Accord is slow to accelerate, there can sometimes be certain problems that can cause your Accord to be extra slow to accelerate. Continue reading to learn more about why this could be.
Why Your Honda Accord Is Slow To Accelerate
Defective Fuel Pump
Your fuel pump is responsible for making sure that fuel gets into the engine. This is crucial because your engine cannot run without fuel. In most Honda Accords, the fuel pump is located inside the fuel tank and uses an electric motor to pressurize the fuel. The pressure created by the fuel pump causes the fuel to move into the engine. If the fuel pump is broken or worn out, it may have difficulty providing proper pressure to the fuel, therefore making it difficult for the gas to reach the engine. This can cause stalling in vehicles or hesitation when trying to accelerate.
Issues With The Clutch
Another common reason why your vehicle may be slow to accelerate is because of an issue with the clutch. The clutch is a mechanism that engages and disengages your transmission, which is what controls the propulsion of your vehicle. If there is a problem with your clutch (or if your clutch gets worn out), it may not be able to properly turn on the transmission, causing issues with acceleration. If you notice that your vehicle is switching speeds without pressing on the gas or the brake, you are almost certainly dealing with an issue with your clutch.
Obstructed Fuel Filter
An obstructed fuel filter may also be to blame if you notice that your Honda Accord is not accelerating properly. Your fuel filter is what keeps your fuel system free of debris. If the fuel filter is damaged or gets clogged with too much dirt, it can begin to malfunction, allowing debris to get into your fuel system. This causes the fuel pump to work twice as hard, resulting in a slower acceleration. Luckily, fuel filters can be easily cleaned, so if you are having trouble with accelerating, come in to see us at Shadetree Automotive, and we will get that fuel filter cleaned in a jiffy.
Problems With The Catalytic Converter
The catalytic converter is one of the most important parts of your vehicle because it ensures that the toxic gases created by your engine are converted to less harmful exhaust. It essentially controls your car’s emissions. When the exhaust system works properly, it gets rid of harmful gases quicker and allows for the combustion cycle to begin earlier. However, if there is a clog in your catalytic converter, your engine will take longer to reach combustion, therefore taking longer to accelerate.
Do You Need A Vehicle Repair?
If your Honda Accord is slow to accelerate or you need a vehicle repair, we at Shadetree Automotive would be more than happy to help you out. We are experienced and knowledgeable, meaning that we will be able to quickly and easily determine the problem with your car and make the changes necessary to fix it. Our automotive shop is equipped with excellent technology and talented technicians that will take wonderful care of your vehicle. To learn more about our services or to set up an appointment to get your car checked out, feel free to reach out to us at Shadetree Automotive.
RV Trailer Journey. Travel Trailer Pulling by Large Sport Utility Vehicle in Arizona USA. RV Adventures. Recreation Photo Collection.
Tow weight and carry weight are two of the most important qualities to pay attention to when you are considering buying a vehicle. If you are buying a vehicle in the near future, there is likely to be several different qualities that you will be looking at when reviewing each option. You’ll likely look at the gas mileage, the size of the car, the number of miles on the car, and more. However it is also important to consider the vehicle’s tow weight capacity and carry weight capacity.
If you need a vehicle that can regularly transport goods and people, it is important to understand these two weight capacities so that you can choose a vehicle that would work best for you. Continue reading to learn more about tow weight and carry weight.
What Is Tow Weight?
In simple terms, tow weight is the weight that a vehicle can safely and legally tow behind it. The towing weight capacity is the maximum amount of weight that the vehicle can tow. It is important for vehicle owners to not try to tow more than their tow weight capacity, as it could lead to dangerous consequences.
For example, the trailer being pulled could swing out of control, causing the entire vehicle to get into a hazardous position. Towing over the weight capacity can also cause your brakes to wear out faster and make it more difficult for the car or truck to slow down. Difficulty stopping can lead to running red lights and stop signs and potentially lead to a crash.
What Is Carry Weight?
Carry weight accounts for the weight within a vehicle. The carry weight includes the combined weight of both the passengers that are in the vehicle and the amount of cargo that is being carried within the cabin and the trunk. Carrying capacity refers to the total amount of passenger weight and cargo weight that the vehicle can withstand. The carry weight capacity will be based mostly on the type and size of the vehicle.
So, What’s The Difference?
So now that you know the definitions of both tow weight and carry weight, you understand that there are some differences between the two. They are certainly related in that they both measure how much weight a vehicle can withstand. However, the difference between the two weights is how the weight is distributed and where the weight is located, with the tow weight measuring the weight behind the vehicle and the carry weight measuring the weight within the vehicle.
Do You Want To Learn More About Your Vehicle?
If you are interested in learning more about your vehicle and its tow weight or carry weight, consider reaching out to us at Shadetree Automotive. Our website contains information about car repairs, maintenance, parts, and more. In addition to having comprehensive vehicle information on our website, we also have several experienced and knowledgeable vehicle technicians on our team that would be more than happy to answer your questions and help if your vehicle seemed to be having issues. For more information about our services, to get in contact with our mechanics, or to set up an appointment, feel free to contact us today.